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Sea Kayaking on Skye

Sea Kayaking on Skye
Sea Kayaking on Skye 131

Address: Skyak Adventures
13 Camuscross
Isle Ornsay
Isle of Skye
Postcode: IV43 8QS
Telephone: 01471833428

Welcome to Skyak Adventures, kayaking for all ages, novice or experienced, on the beautiful Island of Skye. We specialise in sea kayaking but also offer courses on whitewater led by trained experts including the renowned Gordon Brown. All of our coaches are at least BCU Level 4 sea kayak specialists, or above, and live for their time on the water with you.

We know the waters round the Isle of Skye intimately and can guide you to places inaccessible by any other means. Almost every other company offering sea kayaking courses come to our home island.

Sea Kayaking is about getting away from all the stresses of everyday life. It appeals to everyone and is suitable for all abilities.

There are very few other outdoor sports where you are able to carry everything you require for a week or more and this weight is supported by the water over which you travel.
Looking from Camuscross to Loch Hourn & Ben Sgritheall

The weather can range from dreadful to absolutely stunning, not just in the winter but the summer months can also be unpredictable.

Novice paddler or expert, due to the nature of the Isle of Skye, it is nearly always possible to kayak somewhere that is suitable.

If you are looking to improve your kayaking skills, for a unique outdoor experience, want to get close to the wildlife or even just escape for a few days, we can arrange an itinerary to suit your requirements.