Zorb balling (or zorbing as it is sometimes known) is an activity that is growing in popularity in the Scottish Highlands, in many ways it is the newest extreme sport. Zorb balling in the Scottish Highlands is, in essence, rolling down a hill in a giant ball (or orb) that is constructed from transparent plastic. Obviously the majority of zorb balling slopes in the Scottish Highlands are gentle, however there are some centres that specialise in offering a variety of slopes from very steep through to flat. A flat surface is excellent for zorbing as it provides the rider with a degree of control not available down riding downhill.
Many downhill zorb balling centres in the Scottish Highlands are even constructing specialist ramps from wood or metal in a similar manner to artificial ski-slopes, and some offer giant inflatable ramps that are slightly more sedate in nature. Zorb balling and zorbing in the Scottish Highlands can either be carried out harnessed or non-harnessed. Generally speaking harnessed orbs are designed for just one or two people, whilst the non harnessed orbs can fit more people inside. As terrifying as the “non harnessed” option sounds it is actually completely safe, the centrifugal force of the orb rolling down the hill will keep the riders in place with very little movement.
As previously mentioned zorb balling in the Scottish Highlands is a relatively new activity, in fact zorbing itself is quite modern having first taken place on any kind of organised scale in the early 1980’s. The first orb consisted of a huge sphere (some reports mention it as being 23 metres across) fitted with deck chairs inside. This design was gradually evolved and in 1994 a pair of extreme sports enthusiasts from New Zealand developed what we now recognise as a true zorbing orb. Zorb balling in the Scottish Highlands is rapidly becoming a more accessible sport and there has never been a better time to get involved.
The orbs that you will use for zorb balling in the Scottish Highlands tend to be created of two orbs, one sat inside the other with a layer of air sandwiched in between. This air cushion is a shock absorber that makes the ride smoother as you roll down the hill. Modern orbs are constructed from lightweight flexible plastic and are inflatable and can seat a variety of occupants from one person harnessed to three people unharnessed. Orbs used in the Scottish Highlands for zorb balling tend to be about 3 metres in diameter and the inner chamber where the riders sit is normally around 2 metres wide.
Once you are ready to go you will find the zorb balling in the Scottish Highlands is a breathtaking and exhilarating experience that can be enjoyed by a large variety of people. Whilst it may seem initially daunting it is in fact rather safe, and if you have the opportunity to partake in this most unusual of activities we certainly recommend it!